Fine Arts in Egypt 100 Years of Creativity

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Tammy Gaber



The “Fine Arts in Egypt: 100 Years of Creativity” conference, which took
place on 19-22 October 2008 at Helwan University, Cairo, celebrated the
centennial of the establishment of one of the leading fine arts educational
institutions in Egypt and the Arab world. It was convened on the premises
of Cairo’s Opera House.
Held under the auspices of Egypt’s first lady, Suzanne Mubarak, the
opening ceremony featured welcome speeches by Farouk Hosni (minister of
culture), Abdulla Barakat (president, Helwan University), Mohamed Mekkawy
(dean, Fine Arts), and Aleya Abdel-Hadi (conference organizer).
Following these speeches, Benedetto Todar (dean of architecture, Sapienza,
Rome) and Hazem El Kowedi (governor, Helwan) gave keynote addresses
on architecture ...

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