Doctrines of Shi'i Islam A Compendium of Imami Beliefs and Practices by Ayatullah Ja'far Sobhani (tr. and ed Reza Shah Kazemi) (London and New York: l B. Tauris Publishers and the Institute of Isma'ili Studies, 2001. 240 pages.)

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Mohammad H. Faghfoory



The growing interest in Shi'ism in the western world since the Iranian revolution
has resulted in the publication of numerous books and articles on
Shi' i f slam. Most studies, however, focus on Shi' ism's historical develop­
ment, highlight differences between Shi'i and Sunni Islam, or discuss Shi'i
political behavior in the context of the politics of violence. This book by
Ayatullah Ja'far Sobhani, an emjnent scholar of Shi'ism and professor of
Islamic studies in the Hawzah 'llmiyah of Qum (Iran), is a notable excep­
tion. The author is a Qur'anic commentator, a prolific writer, a biographer
of the Prophet and Imam 'Ali, and has written several books on theology
and jurisprudence.
Sobhani opines that modern man (sic) is turning to religion once again
because of his (sic) disillusionment with technological innovation and scientific
advancement. The author seeks to meet this need by presenting an
authoritative yet objective account of Shi' i Islam from within, and the
Shi'is' perception of their tradition and of themselves without exaggeration
and distortion.
The book is a useful source for non-specialists as well as advanced
readers who want to learn about the contemporary expression of Shi'i tradition
from an authoritative source. As Shah Kazemi states in his introduction,
the book presents an account of the mainstream religious thinking of
contemporary Iran's official religious establishment, yet is not influenced
by the revolutionary environment. It follows the traditional format and lines
of argument laid out by previous Shi' i 'ulama.
The book is divided into three chapters, preceded by the translator's
forward and the author's preface. In chapter l, Sobhani establishes a philosophical
framework within which he presents the doctrines of lthna 'Ashari
Shi'ism. Chapter 2 discusses some legal issues and principles of Shi'i theology.
In the third chapter, Sobhani departs from the traditional paradigm
of Shi' i treatises and addresses some controversial and contested legal
issues and challenges ...

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