The Expanding Spiritual-Moral Role of World Religions in the New Millenium

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M. Kamal Hassan



The problems and challenges of the twenty-fmt century will force world
religions to play a more meaningful role in society and civilization. By
subjecting human reason to transcendental truths and spiritual guidance,
religion serves a~ a powerful molder of wholesome, balanced and coherent
personality, culture and civilization. Legislation alone is inadequate to
combat the serious moral corruption in institutions and systems. The state
will also have to make room for the expansion of religlon-based ethics and
spiritual values into business, international trade, media, judiciary and
politics. The continued separation of spiritual values from worldly affairs
is not only untenable from a holistic perspective of man but would
ultimately be dhtrous to human civilization. A pervasive ethical
consciousness, engendered by a tawhidic worldview, is greatly needed a
panacea to the crisis of contemporary society.

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