Islamic Perspectives on Social Work Practice

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Afaf Al-Dabbagh



Social work practice in most Islamic and developing countries has
followed the western model in the belief that professional practice is universal.
After fifty years of social work practice in these countries, however,
we find that this model has largely failed due to its exclusion of religious
values and spiritual aspects. During the last decade, westem professionals
realized that the inefficacy of social work practice was due to
its avoidance of spiritual and religious aspects in theory and methodology.
The conceptional scientific method based on scientific materialism
has not provided a comprehensive study of humanity and society, for its
dependence on the senses as the sole source of knowledge meant that
revelation-derived knowledge was seen as unimportant. Scientific methodology
must be reviewed and reoriented so that it depends on revelation
and sense experience as sources of knowledge. As such, the Islamic reorientation
of both the social sciences and professions will be necessary
during the process of establishing models for sciences based on scientific
methodology with regard to revelation as a source of knowledge.
The research problem deals with how to reorient social work practice
from an Islamic viewpoint. To achieve this, the Islamic views on five
main aspects must be considered: hum& nature; divine laws governing
individual behavior and social organization; causes of individual and social
problems; social welfare systems; and practice theory.
The Islamization of knowledge methodology of Isdil a1 FSrCiqi
was used. It has three main elements: to a) review modem sciences, analyze
their background, and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses from
the Islamic view; b) undetstand and study scholarly contributions based
on Muslim scholars’ undemtanding of the Qur’an and Sunnah and c) join
the Islamic view and modem science outputs into one integrated system.
The methodology followed was: a) a verse-by-verse review of the
Qur’an to identify key elements related to the research questions. Next,
the interpretation of selected verses was located in authoritative tafsir
texts; b) al BukhGri’s hadith compilation was reviewed in the same fashion.
Explanations of selected hadiths were also sought in Ibn Hajar; c)
classical and modem Islamic scholarly writings were reviewed to identify
relevant contributions to the research d) a review of modem social
science literabm was made for each research question. This was followed
by a critical evaluation of modem theories and concepts from the Islamic
view (generated in the previous phase of the study); e) based on the
evaluation’s results, an attempt was made to integrate what was worthwhile
in modem scholarship with the broader parameters of the Islamic ...

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