Second International Conference on Ethico-Economics Ethical Foundations of the Economic and Social Order Centre of Humanomics, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, NS, Canada Rabi' al Awwal 3-4, 1412/October 11-12, 1991

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Masudul A. Choudhury



The Second International Conference on Ethico-Economics was organized
by the Centre of Humanomics at the UniverSity College of Cape Breton,
Sydney, NS, Canada, on October 11-12, 1991. It turned out to be a great success,
as the fourteen university professors and research scholars from America,
Canada, and overseas were active participants in the sessions. There were
five sessions and three invited luncheon and dinner sessions. The conference
proved to be of a rigorously analytical nature, as its purpose was to inquire
into the ethical foundations of the theory and policy of economic reasoning
and socioeconomic development.
The objective of the conference was to intensify the Scientific Research
Program (SRP) launched by a group of university professors and research
scholars, an undertaking which seeks to discover the analytical and applied
roots and possibilities of treating ethics endogenously in socioeconomic
systems. The latitude is extended to comprehend the socioscientific system
as well. The First International Conference on Ethico-Econornics, held at
Sydney, NS, Canada, in 1989, inquired into the subject of “The Epistemological
Foundations of Social Theory.”
Among the papers presented and extensively discussed in critical length -
an expressed style of this SRP group to evolve a scientific theory and application
of ethics as endogenous elements of the socioeconomic and socioscientific
orders-were two papers on Islamic economics. Mohammad Ansari, of
Athabasca University, Athabasca, AL, Canada, dealt with the question of
the Islamic concept of rationality being different from the neoclassical concept
of rationality. Salah el-Sheikh of St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish,
NS, Canada, discussed the process of knowledge formation in the Islamic
approach to the study of economics ...

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