International Conference on Muslim Minority /Majority Relations New York, NY Rabi' al awwal 23-25, 1410/October 24-26, 1989

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S. Mazhar Hussain



The International Conference on Muslim Minority/Majority Relations held in New York, Rabi' al Awwal 23-25, 1410/0ctober 24 to 26, 1989 brought to the fore some of the little known but significantly major problems faced by the Muslim minority communities in many parts of the world. The magnitude of the problem can be seen from the fact that the Muslim minorities form one-third of the world Muslim population, over 300 million out of an estimated one billion Muslims.
The three day conference was divided into different areas of concern. Over 50 papers were presented. Among the topics discussed were: North American Arab Muslims, an Intellectual and Attitudinal Profile of the Muslim Community in North America;
Muslim/Non-Muslim Relations in America;
Economic Development of Indian Muslims, Issues and Problems; The Turks in Bulgaria;
South Africa: The Role of a Muslim Minority in a Situation of Change;
The Islamic Minorities in Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique; Muslim/Christian Relations in Sudan;
Muslim Women in an Alien Society: A Case Study in West Germany;
Muslims in Britain: Some Recent Developments;
Muslim Minorities and non-Muslim Party Politics in the Netherlands;
Muslim Minorities in the Soviet Union, China, Australia, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Philippines, Thailand and other areas. 

The first day of the conference was devoted to North America, Asia and Africa. In the session on North America, Dr. Ni'mat Barazangi highlighted the fact that the process of adjustment and integration of Muslims in America had its own challenges. On the one hand, the immigrant Muslims realize the need to maintain their religious and cultural identity, and, on the other, it is not easy, or even practical, to stay away from the mainstream of the majority culture and its impact ...

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