Workshop on lslamization of Knowledge Sokoto, Nigeria Sha'ban 20-22. 1409/March 27-29, 1989

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Tayyib Zain al-Abedin



The Workshop on Islarnization of Knowledge was held Shaban 20-22,
1409/March 27-29, 1989 at Usmanu Danfodiyo University in Sokoto, Nigeria.
It was jointly sponsored by the University's Center for Islamic Studies, the
Islamic Education Trust of Nigeria, the Muslim World League, and the
International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). The Center for Islamic Studies
is headed by Dr. Omar Bellu, a specialist in Arab Islamic Studies who serves
as the University's Vice-President, and as Secretary of the Nigerian Council
of Scholars. The Islamic Education Trust is headed by Al-Hajj Ahmad Lemu,
the Supreme Judge in Niger State and a prorrtlnent leader of the Islamic
Movement in Nigeria who has established a number of Arabic Islamic Schools
considered among the best for teaching Islamic and secular sciences.
The objective of the Workshop was to determine the means through which
Usmanu Danfodiyo University, in cooperation with the Islamic Education
Trust and other Islamic organizations could devise a program of action for
the Islamization of general and higher education in Nigeria. It also aimed
at revising curricula for various academic disciplines to accommodate Islamic
perspectives and to meet Islamic norms; developing and producing teaching
and reading materials for various disciplines; and developing staff to service
the revised curricula along Islamic lines.
The Workshop's attendance was restricted to the professors and teaching
staff at Othman Dan Fodio University, and a number of youths from outside
the university. On average, about eighty persons, including three or four
women, attended each session. The participants paid special tribute to the
martyr Isma'il al-Faruqi for his pioneering role in the Islarnization of
The Seminar's Discussions:
The first working session, chaired by Professor 'Abdul-Karirm Hussain, ...

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