Principles in Planning Library Education Programs in the Muslim World

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Ali I. Namlah



Four major principles for planning library education programs in
[the] Muslim World are considered of importance: the environmental
needs, the application of programs, the cultures, backgrounds and
traditions of the nation, and the future changes. The Muslim World is
acquiring expertise largely from non-Muslim nations through
recruiting expert planners or through sending their students to
developed countries to acquire knowledge, then apply it. Both
approaches are seen to have some problems at the time of acquisition and
application of planned programs. These problems are discussed and
planners are expected to be aware of these principles before they start
their plans. Blind application of library technology is considered the
main reason for the failure of library education programs in some
Muslim World countries. A balance of application, in accordance with
the four principles, is recommended.
I. The Muslim World
What is meant by the phrase “the Muslim world” is those countries
which have a high percentage of Muslims compared to non-Muslims.
The Muslim World is a part of what is called “less developed countries,”
“developing countries,” the “Third World,” or the “South.” The phases are
used to refer to those countries-including the Muslim world-which are
less advanced in technologies due to the existence of many factors, some
of which are: ...

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