Islamization of the Discipline of Education

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Ishaq Farhan



I. The Concept of the Discipline of Education
A. Fields of knowledge are diversified, and touch upon almost
every aspect of life and the universe, including the physical,
societal, spiritual and material aspects. Various theories of
knowledge are proposed by man to deal with its classification,
acquisition and use in life situations. The discipline of
education deals with the question of teaching and learning
of various disciplines of knowledge by teachers and students
with the hope of changing the behavior of the learner to adapt
to society and develop the capabilities necessary to become
an effective human being.
Education, then, is an applied discipline of knowledge which
is a composite of other social and humanistic disciplines.
It concerns itself with changing the behavior of the learner,
in terms of information, skills and attitudes. Education guides
human beings in a certain direction delineated by the values
of the society or a certain ideology using know-how, methods,
and technologies of teaching compatible with their nature
and style of learning.
Education, then, is both a process and a result of a process.
The results or objectives of education reflect the dimensional
value system of the society, and thus education is never a
neutral discipline. Education cannot be neutral since it
produces an individual with a personality that represents the
value system of the society and its ideology in life. The content
of the educational discipline depends on its interaction with
other social and humanistic disciplines which are also partly
value oriented and partly experimentally oriented. The process
of education or the know-how, including use of methods, ...

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