Sufis, Salafis, and Islamists The Contested Ground of British Islamic Activism (by Sadek Hamid)

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Muneeza Rizvi



In Sufis, Salafis, and Islamists: The Contested Ground of British Islamic Activism, Sadek Hamid provides a rich history of nearly four decades of Muslim organizing in Britain. Replete with careful typologies and periodizations, the work reflects the author’s intimate grounding in the world of British Islam, and provides a unique insight into the challenges and successes of four trends he describes as the “reformist Islamist Young Muslims UK (YM), the Salafi-oriented JIMAS (Jamiyyah Ihya’ Minhaj as Sunnah)...the radical pan-Islamist movement Hizb ut-Tahrir, and the neo-Sufi Traditional Islam Network”.

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