Response to Karen Bauer’s Review of The Study Quran By Maria Dakake and Joseph E.B. Lumbard. General Editors, The Study Quran

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Maria Dakake
Joseph E.B. Lumbard



In her review of The Study Quran in AJISS (34:4), Karen Bauer makes a
number of broad claims about the authors’ ideology and methodology, particularly
in producing the commentary that accompanies the translation.
Her claims regarding the commentary, however, seem to be based on a
limited reading of the text, which has led her to make a number of otherwise
inexplicable factual errors. For example, in assessing the SQ authors’
selection, use, and representation of Islamic tafsīr sources in the commentary,
she overlooks the note in the front matter entitled, “Understanding the
Citations in the Commentary”—which makes it clear that, in the interest of
saving space, the citation of various commentaries as sources for the opinions
mentioned in the Study Quran commentary is done through a system
of abbreviations, for which a key is provided on pages lvii-lix ...

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